What is MyOnlineSafe?
Have you ever been in a panic when you or a family member can’t find that important piece of information about your life. What do you do?
My Online Safe is a simple and secure way to store and share your valuable details. Your chosen friends and family can also unlock this information if ever needed in an emergency. Just imagine what a relief it would be to know it is one place and secure.
“It was such a relief when I suddenly had to go to hospital that what Fido ate, his medication, what he liked to do and where he slept, were on MyOnlineSafe so that he could be looked after. Removed one of my biggest worries. Thank you!!!
For just £5 a month you can keep all your important details safe and accessible!
A simple way to store all life's important details.
My Pets
What’s your pets normal routine? Always ensure your pets are well cared in the event of an emergency.
My Home
What’s important to you about your care? Know that you will get what you want
My Home
How many bills do you have? Who would know how to pay them and when?
My Health
Are your financial affairs in order? Keep all the details securely in one place
My Life
Who knows where your life policies and will are kept? Make it easy for your family
My Vehicles
When is your tax and insurance due? Never be late again
My Wishes
Do your loved ones know your personal wishes in difficult circumstances? Do they know your funeral plans?
My Travel
Passport details, Flight Numbers, Hotel Details, Store it all here.
My Secrets
Do you have a secret that you only want to share in the event of an emergency? We can keep it for you.
Secure, simple and
accessible, MOS covers it.
Whether you want your loved ones to be able to access your financial information or whether you need someone to care for your pets in an emergency. The MOS system makes it simple to store all your details and nominate contacts to access that information in an emergency. Accessible on your phone, it’s easy to use on the go!

Safe and Secure
Your personal information is priceless. My Online Safe uses the latest ultra-secure encryption, sophisticated security testing and continuous monitoring devices. You information will never be shared with anyone other than your chosen friends and family.

Easy to share
Your personal information is priceless. My Online Safe uses the latest ultra-secure encryption, sophisticated security testing and continuous monitoring devices. You information will never be shared with anyone other than your chosen friends and family.

Access from anywhere
Safe & Secure Your personal information is priceless. My Online Safe uses the latest ultra-secure encryption, sophisticated security testing and continuous monitoring devices. You information will never be shared with anyone other than your chosen friends and family.
Our News & Announcements
Peace of Mind
Peace of mind is a state of mental and emotional calmness, with no worries, fears or stress. In this state, the mind is quiet, and you experience a sense of happiness and freedom. Such peaceful moments are not so rare. You have experienced them in the past, at times...
Do you have a will?
Research suggests over half of UK adults have not written a will, with the proportion of those without one in older age groups risen significantly over the past four years. A poll of 2,000 adults by adviser search website Unbiased.co.uk and Certainty.co.uk, the...
How to access medical records?
Medical records and medical history - do you know yours? Very important when required, so here are some tips on how to access the information held about you. How to access medical records Medical records and medical history - do you know yours? Very important when...